Dr Meyer’s Coflin

Dr Meyer’s Coflin


Cough Linctus – Soothing Relief for Cough
Cough linctus is a liquid medication specifically formulated to provide relief from cough symptoms. It often contains active ingredients that soothe the throat, suppress coughing reflexes, and promote easier breathing. Cough linctus is available in various formulations designed for different types of coughs, including dry, tickly, or chesty coughs.


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Description: Cough linctus is an oral liquid preparation used to alleviate coughing, a common symptom associated with various respiratory conditions, allergies, or irritants. The formulation of cough linctus can vary, but it typically includes ingredients that help soothe the throat, reduce irritation, and suppress cough reflexes. Depending on the type of cough (dry, tickly, or chesty), different formulations may contain active ingredients such as antitussives (cough suppressants), expectorants (to clear mucus), or demulcents (soothing agents).

Cough linctus is often used for both productive (wet) and non-productive (dry) coughs. It aims to provide relief from cough symptoms, making it easier to rest and recover. Some formulations may also include additional ingredients like menthol or honey for added soothing effects.

Directions for Use:

  1. Dosage: Follow the recommended dosage instructions provided on the packaging or as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Dosage may vary based on age, type of cough, and specific formulation of the cough linctus.
  2. Administration: Cough linctus is taken orally using a measuring device provided with the packaging to ensure accurate dosing.
  3. Timing: Take the medication as directed, adhering to the specified dosing intervals. It can be taken with or without food.
  4. Storage: Store the linctus in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Check the expiration date before use.


  • If the cough persists for more than a few days, worsens, or is accompanied by other symptoms, consult a healthcare provider promptly.
  • Inform your healthcare provider about any allergies or other medications you are taking to avoid potential interactions.
  • Be aware of specific instructions regarding the use of cough linctus in children, as dosages might differ based on age and weight.