


Durex  – Reliable Protection for Safer Intimacy

Durex Extra Safe 12 Condoms are a trusted choice for safe and responsible intimate moments. These latex condoms provide reliable protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies.


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Durex are premium quality latex condoms designed for safe and protected intimacy. They are intended to provide a barrier that reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies.

Directions for Use:

  • Always follow the instructions provided on the packaging.
  • Ensure the condom is stored in a cool, dry place and not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Check the expiration date to ensure the condom is still effective.
  • When using a condom, carefully open the package, unroll it onto the erect penis before any genital contact, and ensure it stays in place during intercourse.
  • After ejaculation, withdraw while holding the base of the condom to prevent spillage.


  • Condoms should be used consistently and correctly to ensure their maximum effectiveness.
  • Never use a condom that is damaged, expired, or improperly stored.
  • Condoms are not 100% effective, and there is still a slight risk of pregnancy or STIs. Combining condom use with other methods like regular STI testing and contraception can further reduce risks.

Durex Extra Safe 12 Condoms are a responsible choice for safer intimacy and should be used according to the provided instructions for optimal protection.