Gold Circle

Gold Circle


Gold Circle 3 Lubricated Natural Rubber Latex Condoms – Protection for Safer Sex Gold Circle 3 Lubricated Natural Rubber Latex Condoms are a reliable and convenient option for safe and protected sexual activity. These condoms are made from natural rubber latex and come pre-lubricated for ease of use.


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Description: Gold Circle 3 Lubricated Natural Rubber Latex Condoms are a type of male condom designed to provide a barrier method of contraception and reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during sexual intercourse. They are made from natural rubber latex and come pre-lubricated to enhance comfort and reduce friction.

Key Features:

  • Natural Rubber Latex: Gold Circle condoms are typically made from natural rubber latex, which is a widely used and effective material for condom production.
  • Pre-Lubricated: These condoms come with a water-based lubricant to reduce discomfort and friction during sexual activity.
  • Standard Size: Gold Circle condoms are typically available in a standard size that fits most users comfortably.

Common Uses: Gold Circle 3 Lubricated Natural Rubber Latex Condoms are used for several purposes, including:

  • Preventing Unintended Pregnancy: Condoms provide a physical barrier to prevent sperm from meeting an egg, reducing the risk of pregnancy.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention: Condoms are an effective method for reducing the transmission of STIs when used correctly and consistently.
  • Safer Sex: They are a crucial tool for practicing safe and responsible sexual activity.

Directions for Use:

  • Open the condom package carefully, avoiding any sharp objects that could damage the condom.
  • Unroll the condom onto an erect penis before any sexual contact.
  • Leave a small space at the tip of the condom to collect semen.
  • After ejaculation, hold the base of the condom and withdraw the penis while still erect.
  • Dispose of the used condom in a responsible manner.


  • Check the expiration date on the condom packaging before use. Do not use condoms that have passed their expiration date.
  • Ensure that the condom is undamaged before use. If it is visibly damaged, use a new one.
  • Condoms are for single-use only. Do not reuse a condom.
  • While condoms are highly effective when used correctly and consistently, no method is 100% foolproof. It’s important to use them every time you engage in sexual activity to maximize their protective benefits.

Gold Circle 3 Lubricated Natural Rubber Latex Condoms are a widely recognized and accessible choice for individuals seeking a convenient and effective method of protection during sexual activity. Remember that proper and consistent use of condoms is essential for maximizing their protective benefits and for practicing safer sex.