Moxie vitamin c

Moxie vitamin c


Moxie Vitamin C for Children Syrup – Vital for Growth and Well-being

Moxie Vitamin C syrup is a powerful antioxidant that supports various aspects of children’s health, from boosting immunity to promoting growth and vitality. It plays a vital role in maintaining overall well-being.



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Product Indication: Moxie Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) syrup is a potent antioxidant that serves multiple functions in the body. It helps boost skin elasticity, aids in iron absorption, supports energy functions, enhances the immune system, and accelerates the healing process. Additionally, it improves the body’s ability to fight infections, repairs tissues damaged by injury or illness, enhances mental and physical health, and assists in the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. Vitamin C may also contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, prenatal health problems, eye diseases, and skin wrinkling.

Directions for Use:

  • Follow the recommended dosage instructions provided on the packaging or as prescribed by your healthcare professional.
  • Administer Moxie Vitamin C syrup to children as directed.
  • Ensure proper storage to maintain the effectiveness of the product.


  • Consult with a healthcare professional before giving any new medication or supplement to children.
  • Store Moxie Vitamin C syrup as per the instructions to preserve its quality.
  • If children experience any unusual or severe reactions, discontinue use and seek medical attention.
  • Keep this product out of the reach of children.