Pyrantrin oral suspension

Pyrantrin oral suspension


Pyrantrin Oral Suspension is a medication used to treat and prevent infections caused by various types of intestinal worms, such as pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis). Pinworms are small, white worms that commonly infect the intestines and can cause itching around the anal area. Pyrantrin contains the active ingredient pyrantel pamoate, which is effective in treating these types of worm infections.


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Pyrantrin Oral Suspension is a medication used to treat and prevent infections caused by various types of intestinal worms, such as pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis). Pinworms are small, white worms that commonly infect the intestines and can cause itching around the anal area. Pyrantrin contains the active ingredient pyrantel pamoate, which is effective in treating these types of worm infections.

Here is some information about Pyrantrin Oral Suspension:

Common Uses: Pyrantrin Oral Suspension is typically used for the treatment of pinworm infections (enterobiasis). Pinworm infections are common, especially in children, and can be transmitted easily from person to person.

Directions for Use:

  • Take Pyrantrin Oral Suspension exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider or according to the product label instructions.
  • The dosage and duration of treatment may vary depending on the specific instructions provided.
  • Pyrantrin is usually taken orally, and the suspension form makes it easy to administer to both children and adults.


  • Inform your healthcare provider or pharmacist about any allergies, medical conditions, or other medications you may be taking before using Pyrantrin Oral Suspension.
  • It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and treatment instructions carefully to ensure the complete elimination of the pinworm infection.

It’s essential to use Pyrantrin Oral Suspension as directed and to ensure that all members of a household are treated if there is a pinworm infection to prevent reinfection. If you have specific questions or concerns about Pyrantrin Oral Suspension or its use, consult with your healthcare provider or pharmacist for personalized guidance.